Tax……And Relax

While you were supporting your clients throughout self assessment season, our customer support team were here, ready and waiting on the phones to help you with any product related queries in the run up to the filing deadline. Like some practices, we flex how we operate to provide you with extra support every December and January. Team members switch roles to provide extra support and staff stay late and work weekends.
It was another record breaking season for the Treasury and for us. We exceeded last year with a 13.7% increase in tickets received and dealt with – many due to time consuming calculation issues raised as a result of HMRC’s exclusions list. Although we received more calls than ever before, we’re proud to report there were never more than a handful of outstanding tickets and several times throughout the month the queue was down to zero.
Did you have any friendly competition in your teams in January? We did – a dedicated member of our tax support team managed to beat the previous individual record for calls taken. But numbers aside, all calls were logged, allocated and solved successfully, which is a testament to the first-class customer support service we are renowned for.
We are committed to improving our customer experience and continually evolve to suit the needs of our customers. In March, we’re relaunching our online support service to make it even easier and faster to find the answers you need, 24/7. Look out for more information in your inbox this month.
Thank you to all of our customers who chose Digita Personal Tax to take them through self assessment season and to those who sent our support team the lovely feedback below:
‘Superb service! All done just as you explained. Thank you SO much. Happy New Year!’
‘Many thanks for the really great support.’
‘I really appreciate the time you took to explain this to me. I’m getting more and more out of the software thanks to your top-class support.’
‘Fabulous service….quick phone call and back to work…..thank you :-)’
‘Thank you – I always appreciate Digita’s efficient response to queries and problems’
‘Thank you, absolute legend!’
How did you find tax season? Did you make a call to our support service, and if so, what did you think? Tell us below.