COVID-19 Resources for European CustomersInformation to help support you and your business
At Thomson Reuters, we take our role as your trusted partner to heart
As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread globally, our main objectives now are to support you and your businesses, and to navigate this complicated and ever-changing environment together with you. Rely on these free resources, created by our legal and tax experts, to assist you as you prepare and respond to issues.
Global Coronavirus toolkit
A toolkit to guide counsel working across jurisdictions through Practical Law's global Coronavirus, COVID-19, pandemics and business interruption content.
See detailsHelping your law firm’s disaster preparedness and response—remote work checklists
Read articleHigh Q’s top 5 tips for working remotely
Intuitive software that calculates tax estimates in seconds, and lets you quickly filter and review data.
Read articleThe New Normal: Leveraging legal technology for smart collaboration
At a time when enabling dispersed colleagues to work together is at the forefront of our minds, it can be difficult to identify exactly what technology will meet your needs.
Watch webinarMaking a dash to digital – how your firm can deliver more online solutions
This webinar takes a scamper along the law firm workflow and looks at how firms are employing digital tools to provide a strong client experience and build their businesses.
Watch webinarLegal Considerations in Responding to COVID-19.
As the COVID-19 outbreak continues and new legislation is passed, organisations are called upon to quickly understand this rapidly changing landscape and adapt to how it impacts day-to-day operations. Join us for a virtual event featuring UK Practical Law Editors from our commercial, corporate, employment, dispute and insurance practice areas discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the legal market.
Watch webinar
Keep your teams connected when working remote
Today’s legal teams are facing unprecedented challenges. As the world works to figure out how to keep businesses running, many law firms are moving to remote work for most employees.
Learn how cloud collaboration platforms can help your firm stay connected and keep work moving forward no matter where your employees are.
Impact of COVID-19 on Global Supply Chains
Our brief visual guide features the survey conducted during a Thomson Reuters webinar that was held across Europe, Middle East, Africa & Asia. This explored the state of business readiness in these markets to tackle the outbreak, focusing on the areas that were impacted the most, as well as the potential value that technology can offer corporate organizations in the coming months.
View infographicReaching a watershed moment in business
As key individuals such as CFOs stop to assess the potential aftermath of COVID-19 it is anticipated there will be a harsh realisation that with or without this pandemic, business needs to change.
Read articleKeeping Ahead of Tax Authorities Changing Advice
Recently, more than 50 tax authorities have published changes to tax regulations and provided advice for businesses on how to cope with the financial impact of COVID-19. With limited teams and an influx of information how do you stay abreast and most importantly, how do you stay compliant?
Read articleImpact of COVID-19 on the Global Supply Chain
An interactive roundtable webinar where our expert presenters discussed the latest developments and shared insights into how multinationals are adapting to the changing landscape.

COVID-19: Compliance Checklist For Operating During A Pandemic
A checklist for compliance and risk professionals regarding the altered work landscape for employees as a result of the pandemic.
Read articleCOVID-19: Practice Note: Compliance Checklist For Private Fund Managers During A Pandemic
Read articleCompliance Learning COVID-19 course toolkit
Our Thomson Reuters Compliance Learning toolkit includes free access to key training courses curated in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
See detailCOVID-19 and business continuity planning
Listen to our on-demand recording of episode one of our new Experts Talk webinar series. This 30-minute discussion covers best practice and business continuity planning (BCP).
Listen to talkUK’s regulatory response to COVID-19
30-minute discussion looking into the UK's regulatory response to the global pandemic and tips for navigating the changing environment.
Listen to talkCOVID-19 – Working from home
30-minute discussion covering our 'new normal' when working from home as well as other COVID-19 canaries.
Listen to talkWhat does "good" or "better" practice look like during the COVID-19 crisis?
Learn from the Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence experts during this hour long, free to access, on-demand webinar.
This page contains a compilation of learning resources that can help inform you on relevant topics as well as help you earn professional education credits that may be necessary to maintain professional certification. Browse our resources for legal, tax and accounting and risk professionals.
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