Intercompany AgreementsGenerate and manage intercompany agreements, gather e-signatures and analyse your transaction coverage worldwide with our intercompany agreement software.
Automate and streamline contracts with our intercompany agreement software
Under the OECD’s BEPS guidance, multinational enterprises are required to produce a list of important intercompany agreements (ICAs) to support transfer pricing documentation and tax positions with global tax authorities.
In order to minimise challenges from global tax authorities, ONESOURCE Transfer Pricing Intercompany Agreements software helps you centralise and efficiently manage intercompany agreements so that they can be properly generated, updated and analysed. Streamline drafting and execution of any transfer pricing agreement through a centralised repository of contract management and e-signature capabilities.
Intercompany Agreements download PDF - 129kWhite paper

Leveraging Technology in the Evolving Transfer Pricing Landscape
Learn how software tools can help you manage the transfer pricing life cycle, providing transparency, control and consistent documentation across your enterprise.
Get your copy todayTransfer pricing agreement templates for efficiency and accuracy
Increase efficiency, avoid errors
Import existing intercompany agreements and generate standard templates that can be customised for any global transaction in any jurisdiction. Avoid repetitive data entry and use built-in logic to speed the drafting process. There’s no need to start contracts from scratch, and template provisions will help you eliminate errors.
Get signatures faster
Use e-signature functionality within a contained and traceable environment to securely and quickly ensure timely contract completion.
Improve contract management enterprise-wide
Signed copies of all agreements are stored in a central and searchable repository, making it easy to compile agreements for documentation purposes.
Avoid gaps in coverage
Be alerted to intercompany transactions across your enterprise that might be subject to an intercompany agreement. You can initiate new contracts quickly and have them ready for signature in a few clicks. Alerts identify when contracts are about to expire to avoid any gaps in coverage.
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