Transfer Pricing BenchmarkEfficient comparable company analysis through transfer pricing benchmarking

A smarter approach to transfer pricing benchmarking

Find new efficiencies by automating your comparable company search process

We understand that many companies search for comparable companies in different ways. Whether you outsource, perform updates in-house, or prefer to complete documentation in-house, the Benchmark software from ONESOURCE Transfer Pricing is designed to optimise how you search for comparable companies.

Conduct faster comparable searches

Are you looking for a more efficient way to perform comparable company searches for transfer pricing? Benchmark employs the most robust filtering technology allowing you to quickly reduce the universe of relevant comparable companies. Multinational corporations trying to keep pace with global transfer pricing compliance need an automated solution to find comparable companies to derive arm’s-length range. And that’s exactly what ONESOURCE Transfer Pricing Benchmark tool can do.

Consistent approach to transfer pricing benchmarking

Control how you conduct and assess searches according to type of company, type of ownership, country of ownership and more. Our tree-structure search criteria allows you to filter screens easily and view results across multiple profit-level indicators. Searches can be organised by tax year and updated yearly or quarterly.

Ease audit process

Benchmark also helps ease audits, with a detailed audit log embedded in the solution. Keep track of every step in your comparable company analysis, for a less costly and time-consuming audit process.

Features & Benefits

This web-based comparables search software automates the comparable company analysis process for intercompany transactions in multinational corporations. It also:

  • Enhances the visibility and organisation of your comparables searches.
  • Searches multiple databases at once.
  • Is compatible with a wide range of comparable company databases—global, public and private—from Thomson Reuters, ktMINE Royalty Rate Finder Database and Standard & Poor’s.

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