The EU General Data Protection RegulationSoftware to assist accountancy practices with GDPR compliance

Tools to help accountants comply with GDPR

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes tough new requirements on the collection, use and storage of personal data, and formalises the processes around data governance. Accountants in practice are used to working with their clients’ personal data, but GDPR imposes significant new data management requirements.

Alongside your firm’s new GDPR compliant processes and controls, Thomson Reuters Onvio and Digita software can help you manage GDPR compliance in three key areas: managing and protecting sensitive client data, sharing personal data with your clients and employees, and security in the cloud.

What is GDPR compliance?

How can our software help accountants manage GDPR compliance?

Software to help you manage GDPR compliance

In the new world of GDPR, liability for data breaches continues to be a fundamental concern. Thomson Reuters can help firms implement best practice regarding critical data every step of the way with useful tools to manage and process personal data.

Thousands of professionals across the globe use our hosted and cloud solutions, including in the UK our Digita Virtual Office (hosted) and Onvio (cloud) systems. Our security functionality already meets the rigorous permissions criteria of three top 10 UK firms.

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Digita Personal Tax

Create an end-to-end digital experience, from online information requests through to e-signing the tax return and electronic submission to HMRC. Along with providing multiple access control levels, Digita Personal Tax also provides audit functionality for the most sensitive data fields.

Digita Personal Tax


Add an additional level of security to your processes with our online document management and client portal solution which provides you and your clients with a secure location to send and store financial documents. Portals encrypt all documents and restrict staff access to assigned clients.

Onvio Documents and Client Centre


Protect your clients’ financial documents with our Enterprise-level cloud-based document management solution which includes Multi-Factor Authentication functionality. Advanced rules for document purge and archive also help with data minimisation and reduce risk.


Digita Virtual Office

Reduce the risks related to GDPR compliance by taking advantage of a straightforward, low maintenance and secure way to run the Digita Professional Suite. Thomson Reuters hosts the solution for you to access through an Internet browser log-in page with Multi-Factor Authentication.

Digita Virtual Office

Want to know more?

Every firm is unique, which is why we want to understand your individual needs. Complete a few details online or call 03450 180 907 to contact our friendly Solutions Consultants today.

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